Bug Away Essential Oil Blend



Our blend contains Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon Nardus), Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), Cochin grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), Texas Cedarwood (Juniperus Mexicana), and Sweet Scented Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens). These oils effectively discourage bugs like flies, fleas, moths, beetles, and mosquitoes. You can add it to soaps, sprays, lotions, or candles.

100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil.


The ingredients in this blend may have different benefits as bug repellents:
Peppermint oil is a natural insecticide.
Some of the Citronella’s components have shown to be effective as a natural repellent. Specially when combined with vanillin.
Cedarwood, different types of Lemongrass, and Geranium have shown to have bug repellent properties.

What it does for you

You can use Bug Away essential oil with a diffuser. Just add a few drops to help repel bugs.


PubMed Central, highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health, gives us more information about some of the different studies regarding the repellent properties of Bug Away’s ingredients:

Other studies have been conducted:

Additional information

Weight 0.036 lbs


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