This product is 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil.
Clove Bud Essential Oil has a sweet-spicy odor and a fruity fresh top note.
- Helps with digestive issues, relieves nausea. Helps with bad breath, tooth aches and sore gums. Helps with acne and other skin conditions.
- Respiratory conditions because it is a natural antihistamine and expectorant
Applied topically: For bad breath dilute 1-2 drops of Clove essential oil in water, swish in mouth and spit out.Adding a couple of drops of Clove Oil to a tissue and inhaling is a quick and easy way to boost focus and concentration
Diffuse: Use 4 to 7 drops in an essential oil diffuser to purify the air. Evidence suggests that clove oil can kill mold and fungal spores almost as effectively as commercial disinfectants
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